March 1st, 2012

Dearest Lara Great!!, hearing from you Lara…. For almost 3 and half month I was in farm, this year I tried to have new farm of mine, very hard work to prepare and cultivated. As well by the time we expected to have heavy and good rain, things didn’t happen like that most of food […]

Charge Controller Main Board

Dear Lara, My technician, Steven, went to the site and changed out the charge controller main board. The problem was caused by my error. In the rush of getting my technicians on the road with hastely sourced solar modules replacing those trapped in customs I forgot to give my lead technician stringing instructions for the […]

Cheku Village Meeting

Attendance: Cheku local community, Women and Men Venue: Cheku wate project site Time start: 03:20pm The long explanation took pace; from this day the water project belong to them since no one will look after, but themselves. Keeping explaining to them the whole water project cost a lots of money and the Canadian done very […]

Concrete Tanks Report

THE 2 WATER CONCRETE TANKS REPORT. The work of building 2 concrete tanks finished on 1st April 2011, now the Cheku water project had this long life tools for storage 20,000liters each tank, for these 2 concrete tanks will have capacity of water storage 40,000 liters. By the time water will be pumped from water […]

Meeting with Mary

Hi Lara I am just update, I met Mary even though today here is holiday most of the Government offices closed. She gave me the final cheque, I should deposit and ask for the special clearence in order Clive should be able to withdraw his final payment. Due to the holiday no any bank is […]

The pump is Installed and Pumping

Dear Lara, This is to inform you that the pump is installed and pumping. The pump test was completed and the pump yield as specified. We had a problem with a faulty float switch but managed to source another one in Kondoa, otherwise the installation was straight forward. Moshi called me yesterday and asked me […]

Power Providers team finished

Thanks Lara, the work is very hard and everything going great!! The concrete water tanks today going to be finish. The power providers team finished the solar installation and submissibe pump fixed. The tested the pump its working very good, 20liters full per 1minites. I sent Mama Mary the receipts from KICHECO, and I will […]

Power Providers Update

Dear Lara, My technicians are on site. As stated, the installation will be done on time. Unfortunately the customs issues did not work out in our favour. We have a $35,000 consignment of solar imports at Kilimanjaro International Airport since Tuesday 14th. The clearance process is usually 5 days. This time the Revenue Authority tried […]

March 22nd, 2011

Hello Lara, Loc and Zao…. On 21 we left Kondoa Town at 09:00am, on this day we used hired jeep again, we arrived at water project site at 10:06am. Soon the work of 2 water tanks began, an engeneer and his team work procceding with primary stage of building the concrete water tanks, most of […]

Power Providers Update

Hi Lara, I have talked with Moshi regarding the weather. It is extremely wet all over Northern Tanzania right now and Babati/Kndoa is no exception. We received 96mm (1″) in three days here in Arusha. I suspect that the site is currently inaccessible. The rainfall tends to peak on a full moon here, which we […]

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