Dearest Lara
Great!!, hearing from you Lara….
For almost 3 and half month I was in farm, this year I tried to have new farm of mine, very hard work to prepare and cultivated. As well by the time we expected to have heavy and good rain, things didn’t happen like that most of food and cash crops burnt from the sunny. Exactly this year will face hunger, will be very bad.
The other people they started to grow again, this need time and money. Myself I am not going to do it again. I returned back from farm 4 days ago.
Now I am in Kondoa town.
The area where I have been there is no mobile phone reception. I didn’t come there with my lovely mobile phone, I left it at home. My lop top had stolen in my office, one day I went out for lunch I didn’t close the door, someone who I don’t know taken it, might be very close person.
Got your two text, sorry I didn’t reply back due to lucky of credit.
I found my family well and healthy, my children all are in very good condition days back according to their Mom, bit sick especial Malaria and Cough.
Lara, to be frankly the Cheku water project is nothing wrong; everything is good by the time I have visited, especial during the dry season found many people collect water from the water project, everyone was proud me and express so much THANKS to Canadian, frankly Lara, I proud of you Loc and Zoe without knowing you nothing was done. The solar panels, work effectively, I don’t know how to explain it well, and briefly the Cheku water project is the one of VERY UNIQUE water project in TANZANIA.
I have the video and pictures needed to be send to you and final receipts too. The always question Cheku local communities ask me, when did Lara coming?
My self, I have many ideas with doing another project, but this will depend on your side as a manager, we need to share ideas to make sure we come to good point of choices.
a)Still, we spent money in Kalamba village for the Geographical ground water survey, where it need the Actual of drilling borehole, pumping water test, and pumping installation with panels and water reservoirs, I think you remember we can do similar work as Cheku water project. THINK about it.
b) By using water pipes from CHEKU water project to Cheku primary school where school kids can easily succeed have water services at school compound. As well we can do it similar to the school kids of Sori primary school, since they have to walk for water collecting to Sori water source where you and Lara, and Zoe you visited it during your tour.
We have got very good and enough experiences from the work we had done, so far this time we will be better in next project.
Much love, say hello to Zoe.