March 22nd, 2011

Hello Lara, Loc and Zao….
On 21 we left Kondoa Town at 09:00am, on this day we used hired jeep again, we arrived at water project site at 10:06am.

Soon the work of 2 water tanks began, an engeneer and his team work procceding with primary stage of building the concrete water tanks, most of the work used wire mesh, still on this day the work done at home of Mzee Gufu.

In this stage the local community assisted an engeneer by collecting wire mesh from the house of Mzee Gufu, as well to cut the small wire in order to mend together with wire mesh.

We finish part of the work at 03:35pm, before we left Cheku village Executive officer asked the local community to bring more stone next day, an engeneer asked more stone for the foundation, Villagers promised to bring as more as they can.

On 22th March 2011 we depart Kondoa Town at 08:47am, still its raining by that time, we arrived at water project site at 09:18am.

The primary stage of building concrete water tanks procceding, late we shifted to the water project site, the local community brought big stones and small stone.

The foundation laid, chuku community worked at site and was at hill side to collect more stone, the wark of colecting stone was 10 kilometers to and fro.

Late on this day we successed to finish build seat of the one of water tank. Tomorrow we will keep going on with build the seat of the second of water tank, and second stage of the concrete of the water tanks, this according to an engeneer. Also Cheku local community will continue with stone collection and bring to the water project site.

The work of building these tank is moving by part, when you finish part of the work you will not move forward, especial when you mix cements with sand.

My comments, the way I see the work moving slowly but I hope will be finish for sure end of this month.
Photographer total charges for 12 days will be US $ 600. Since we didn’t start the work together with POWER PROVIDER, the charges will be higher no doubt the numbers of day will be more, by the trime 2 of the concrete water tanks will be finish I don’t know how many days will be remaining for Mr. Clive finish the PUMP INSTALLATION.

Moshi R. Changai
Project Manager
Cheku water project.

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