DAY 2 (March 25th, 2009)

Lara spoke to Moshi in the morning (his evening) and at night (his morning). Moshi was getting more and more frustrated because he could not get a hold of Wilson and it was making the Water Committee very nervous. Moshi and Lara texted back and forth.

LARA: Did the water team come yet?
LARA: I’m getting worried
MOSHI: The team has not yet arrived
LARA: Did you call again?
MOSHI: At 5Am I talked to him, he promised to call me until now not yet called.
MOSHI: Can you try to call him from there?
LARA: At leaset you talked earlier. I’ll try calling.
MOSHI: Ok call him. I need to know if the drilling is happening today.
LARA: I just tried and no answer. I’ll talk to Dominik and see if he can get through.

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