Update from Moshi

Dear Lara, Loc and Zoe…

Hoping that everyone is doing great!! I and my family we doing great too. My baby girl she is recovering slowly and in fact, no worry and now she eating….

1. The first day I went to Clive office just to pay the cheque for his work, he read the contract made by you, Lara, he agree and signed it. My mistake was written him the 1 cheque with over 10 million Tanzania money, then I canceled the cheque, since was only one signed cheque by us- KICHECO’ S signatories, I didn’t be able to pay him by that day.

On 11thy March’ 2011 I left Arusha to Kondoa, KICHECO’S an accountant went to meet Clive for the payment, he paid in two separates open cheque, can allow draw the money anytime from the time of payment. Clive gave invoice and receipts to KICHECO’S accountant. This is done.

2. Today here in Kondoa, I and Contractor we was doing very hard job of buying raw materials for 2 concrete water tanks, was very new work for me, tomorrow will finish the work for the raw materials. So far tomorrow I will pay his money for the work.

3. By afternoon here in Tanzania, I called Clive, he confirmed KICHECO’S an accountant paid him through 2 cheque. I asked him when is planning to come to Kondoa for the work, just he told me that he will be in Kondoa next week, Monday on 21thMarch 2011.

4. On Monday I will leave Kondoa for the Dar, on Tuesday I will be in Canadian High Commission for meeting Mary with the receipts. I hope I will meet the dead line. Looking forward to be back in Kondoa on Thursday/ Friday.

5. I and Contract, we agree to start the work for the 2 water tanks by Saturday, on 19th March 2011, 2 days before Clive coming. According to Contractor, will take him not more than 14 days to complete the work. No doubt Clive will find the work of the foundation started, by he will join us, things will be keep going together.

Hoping that everything going to happen…..

Much loves…….

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