Mr. Bago, the water technician, says it is wise to use a Solar Pump

Hi Lara,,,

Thanks, I would like to let you know that I talked to Mr. Bago, water technician he told me that is very and wise idea to use solar pump, it;s very possible. True that this going to happen again.

Tomorrow I will start doing shop around for the cost, I will send all the details about it. Remember the community suffering so much for the water issue in dry season, so no problems the sun is out by the dry season.

As first you asked me is possible for the community to start build the reservoir, your concept was very good.

The 2 reservoirs at project site can be built before the solar pump bought. These reservoirs will store the water by the time solar pump is on, the water will go into the reservoirs where the local community will collect water over there.

The big reservoir will be needed lastly, must technician work and it need elevation, that can store hundreds of water liters, and water supply systems will be done, this means local community wont walk to the project site to collect water, who live closer to water project site can go there to collect water. We will have sub water location will be easy work for the community to collect water.

Lara, I am trying all my level best to gives you the action plan, in case will be possible think about me going there as I will mobilize the community together with Cheku village leaders, we will start one step forward by construct the 2 water reservoirs and watchmen house will get Canadians inspire mean while they do fund- rise. When they will see the pictures…..

Much loves….and special greetings to Zoe.

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