Day 40 (May 4th, 2009)


Hoping that everyone is fine. I am very fine too.

Today on 3thMay’09 we left Kondoa at 07:00a.m, by 08:20a.m we arrived at the Cheku project site.

Refer my last email, official they drilled 26 meters deep and stopped there, they just waiting me and Mr. Bago to arrive at project site for further drilling. I and Mr. Bago, we started to question Mr. Beda who is a senior driller, Mr. Bago needed to know technician what cases type fitted? The diameter drilled? Type of rock found? Can he show us the sample collected?

Mr. Beda- a senior driller and his colleagues – Tanzanian and the 2 Indian technicians decided to start the drilling. Mr. Beda told us he didn’t hear nothing from Mr. Wilson nor Mr. Toni about not to start the drilling without our presences. Yesterday the time Cheku Village Executive Officer flashed me and called him back and informed me about the drilling, by that time Mr. Bago phoned Mr. Wilson and told him about the situation was going on at the project site, Mr. Wilson stopped the drilling which was going on there. The time drillers asked to stop were reached the distance of 26 meters. Mr. Beda- a driller told us there are miscommunications between them.

The drilling- logical they drill by diameter of “12 and half for three meters deep. “8 diameters from the 3 meters deep to 26 meters deep. This means the WELL can be protected just three meters only, kind of this logical make easily the WELL collapse due decomposed rock from 3 meters to 26 meters, this can happen the time of drilling more meters from 26 meters, hemmer cause high pressure which can lead the WELL collapse or the time water found can cause the WELL walls to collapse and fall into the WELL.

The advice- Mr. Bago advised must the hole should in largely by 12 and half diameters from the bottom to 26 meters deep. After enlarging by that diameters working or temporary casing shall be driven to 26 meters to prevent collapsing the WELL and falling in the WELL sedimentary from the WELL walls. Mr. Beda agreed the Mr. Bago’s advice. From the Bago’s advice will enable the well to be protected.

The 2 Indian technicians- True I found the 2 technician, true that as I reported to you early what I heard real they speak a bit English.

Day of today- On 3th May’09 , no drill performed due to the Rig problem, from the time we arrived water project site was no more drill. The exercise of fixing the rig was going on till mid afternoon. From that time the 2 Indian technicians stopped to work. Final they told me and Mr. Bago that “ YOU GO TOMORROW COME DRILLING” What we understood I and Mr. Bago we can go back and come back to the water project site tomorrow for the drilling. I and Mr. Bago tomorrow we will call there before depart Kondoa.

The Rig- It doesn’t look as the Rig’s problem going to be a very seriously issue like the previous time. The big problem the technician was calling and given instruction by a unknown person by Indian language, we didn’t know what they was talking about.

Much loves…..
Moshi R. Changai
(In Country Representative)

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