Change Request Approved.

Hi Lara
I would like to let you know that I met Mary, gave her the financial report which I named as part one of the financial report and part two will be brought to her after the project finish, I inclosed with letter informing that the second part of the financial need the project must start where we be able to have supporting documents (Receipts).

She needed a whole break down receipts from Power provider and from the all receipts of buying raw materials. I told her that is possible she is going to get them as well I will ask clive to give me all receipts after finish is purchase.

According to Mary in the morning they had meeting discussion was Loc’s email of changes of the sim tanks, all agreed to keep going on with sim tanks as the project needed to finish soon. By the time on the way to meet Mary I called her to ask if she will be there, she was just thinking to call me to tell me their decesion, as I asked to wait for me and we will descuss the matter. We had another confrence, first was me and her, late she called De Silva, I explained the very importance of the concrete water tanks, and l assure the project will be finish by end of March.

Final they agree to keep going on with thiie work and Da Silva asked me to keep moving fast and wish me very good luck.

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