POST 9: Environmental

We met Richard in the morning for breakfast and he took us out to one of the schools that he works with teaching environmental projects. Moshi wanted us to meet because he wants us all to work together. The school is amazing.

The main focus is replanting trees and finding ways to conserve and reuse water. One project was building a mound and putting sticks and hay on top where you put water that you’ve used to wash your hands or dishes or whatever and then instead of throwing the water away you pour it on the top and the hay (and other stuff in there) filters the water and in turn waters the plants. It’s cheap for the families and easy.

There is a nursery there where the kids plant trees that yield quickly like Guava. Another program he has is planting gardens in sac so that families can use water and grow their own vegetables. He is trying to teach herbal medicine from trees that help with typhoid, malaria, aids and a myriad of other ailments. He is an advisor at another nursery where seedlings are planted and replanted later on. His goal is to teach people how important trees are (maybe he should teach some of the people in BC too!) and help solve some of the water issues.

He is also creating various programs that make low fuel and solar ovens which help lessen lung disease in women (women do the cooking) from the smoke. The smoke can also give you red eyes which, in some parts, is the sign that you are a witch and then killed. I can’t even believe that happens but apparently it is common is parts of Tanzania.

The village that we were in suffers because it is near the Safari parks and there are so many lodges that use up the water and the villagers are left with nothing PLUS the cost of land has increased so much that only bigger businesses are able to afford anything so they scoop up the best pieces of land and take all the water. Tourists need to think about where their money is going and how it effects an entire country.

Richard is going to meet us in Kondoa to help set up some of these programs and talk to the elders about this program during the village meeting.In the evening we went to eat with Moshi at a small restaurant in Mbo to. I love the african streets at night because the hard selling is over and people are just having fun. We ate chicken, red banana and Okra at a small local place which is a typical african dish. We ate the Tanzanian way (with our hands) and this time knew the whole had washing routine.

Our safari car has left so we are heading into Arusha again by bus. Not sure how that will all work but I am not going to worry. Hakuna Matata!

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