POST 7: Packed days

We just finished a good meeting with Clive, the man from power provider who installed the pump. We’ve been having to deal with sand issues entering the pump so he is going to order another part from Kenya and it will be installed while we are there. There is going to be a village meeting while we are there to deal with some of the pump issues so Zoe and I have been practising our introductions with Moshi.

1. Habari Za Leo. (How is everyone today)
2. Wakubwa Shikamoni. Respectful greeting to the elders
3. Nkasu Muri Vosi. (Hope everyone is fine)
4. Ni siku ya boa sanaKulusika na nanyu nyu vantu va cheku (It’s a very special day talking to you cheku community.

Ahsante sana shikamoni babi bibi, baba mama kaka na da da zangu. Nkasu muri vosi (thank you very much respect and greetings)

Ahsante sana

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