POST 12: Cultural

Today was a very relaxing day. It was raining and felt like Vancouver but I was secretly glad because what I wanted to do was catch up on some work with some clients back home and touch base with Moshi about working together. Moshi and I sat for 3 hours talking about the issues that both sides had with the water project. We talked about the mistakes we both made that could be improved if we were ever to tackle another project of that magnitude. It seems crazy to have gathered so much knowledge and not apply it again but it was so much work and stress and not sure if either of us would go through that again.

We also talked about cultural differences. Saying no to an invitation is a very big insult and I have managed to offend a few people whom I have had to apologize. It’s a big learning curve to figure out how to deal with these kind of things but we got to a point today where we could just talk frankly.

Zoe is thought of as an adult here and I think it is a bit of a shocker for both of us. The men see her as old enough to marry (YUCK!) so I am trying to take extra good care of my little baby.  Tomorrow is another day of meetings and homework for Zoe…

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